
We believe that all children are talented and gifted and are treated as such. Every child has the right to live happily and achieve fullness of life with God and to grow and learn in a community where Christian values are taught and modelled daily. We endeavour to foster and continue the development of the formation of faith begun at home.

Religious Education at Holy Rosary has some basic beliefs and understandings:

  • To develop a relationship with a loving, caring and forgiving God who is with us throughout our life. 
  • To develop opportunities for children to actively participate in meaningful prayer, liturgical and other celebrations.
  • To help children identify the consequences and importance of all God’s creations.

It is expected that parents become involved in their child’s preparation for Reconciliation, Confirmation and Eucharist. The school has a formal Religious Education Coordinator.

  • Lessons in Religious Education are given on a regular basis. The minimum time for these lessons is one and a half hours per week.
  • The children have regular contact with our Parish Priest, Fr. Peter Ferwerda. This provides them with the opportunity for formal instruction and informal conversation. Our priest and teachers work closely together planning Masses and Para-liturgies.
  • The Liturgy is celebrated regularly in the school with class Mass in the church at least once a term, and whole school Mass on the first Friday, Holy Days of Obligation and Special Feast Days.


We believe that Prayer allows us to become more in touch with the presence of God in our lives.

Through Prayer we communicate with God and one another which strengthens our relationship and sustains our life's journey.

Because we believe this we will:

  • provide opportunity for children to participate in prayer.
  • enable children to experience a variety of prayer forms.
  • experience prayer with God, self, others and through song, movement, dance, listening, talking, scripture, silence, reflection, creativity, music and recorded work.
  • assist children in recognising the importance of prayer in their daily lives.
  • provide children the opportunity to respond in prayer to events in their lives.
  • introduce appropriate formal prayers and explore their origin and meaning.
  • assist children in understanding their inner faith and transfer this to their living faith.

Sacramental Program

The year 2005 saw the introduction of our Parish Based Sacrament Program which is as follows: A child who has been baptised in the Catholic Church would normally commence preparation for the Sacrament of Reconciliation and Eucharist in Year 3 and Confirmation in Year 6. This is up to the parents’ discretion to indicate their child’s readiness to the Parish Sacramental Coordinator. For a child who has been Baptised in another faith denomination such as Uniting, Anglican etc. it is strongly encouraged that the child continue to receive their sacraments in their chosen faith. The Parish based Sacramental Program will be supported at school level by children undertaking parallel units of study. The Sacramental program is conducted every odd year.