Parent Portal
Holy Rosary Primary School Heathcote
SIMON Schools
At Holy Rosary we use the Simon Schools online administration and learning management system for our school operations and communication. Upon enrolment, you will be assigned login details to access the Parent Access Module (PAM) of Simon which can be used to access things such as camp/excursion permission forms, update student medical information and schedule parent teacher interviews.
After setting up your PAM account, download the Simon Everywhere app from your preferred app store and login using your PAM details.

Our Canteen serves lunch orders on Fridays and is run by our Parents, Friends and Carers Committee. Orders must be placed by 9am on Friday and can be made via CDFPay.
Our uniform shop is managed by a school parent on a voluntary basis. You are able to purchase uniform items via CDFPay and the order will be delivered to your child’s classroom. Alternatively you can organise a time with our parent volunteer to assist with sizing. Please email hrhuniform@yahoo.com
Payment for uniform items is via CDFpay or with cash or eftpos in our office.
Our weekly newsletter includes details about upcoming events, important information and photos of recent school activities. The latest newsletter can be viewed via the Simon Everywhere app. Please speak to the admin team if you are not able to view the newsletter.