School Wide Positive Behaviour Support (SWPBS) at Holy Rosary Heathcote
School-wide Positive Behaviour Support (SWPBS) is an evidence-based framework for preventing & responding to student behaviour. SWPBS aims to develop a positive school climate, with a calm, safe and supportive learning culture and an open, responsive management system for all school community members. SWPBS assists Holy Rosary Heathcote to improve social, emotional, behavioural and academic outcomes for ALL of our students through use of consistent behavioural expectations.
At Holy Rosary Heathcote our SWPBS expectations are:
Respect for Self
Respect for Others
Respect for Environment
Shine Your Brightest
How we respond to behaviours
SWPBS is a whole school approach. It is preventative and switches focus from negative behaviours and exchanges, to positive expectations and interactions. Our objective is to provide a consistent, predictable and fair use of expectations and consequences for all students. Instead of using many different behaviour management strategies, a consistent system of expectations for all students within our school is implemented in all areas, including classrooms and other settings such as on the playground and on the buses. These behaviours are evident in our Expected Behaviour Matrix. Our Responding to Behaviours of Concern flowchart clearly outlines the steps undertaken in response, providing clarity and consistency for staff, students, parents & carers.
How we reward positive behaviours
We encourage positive feedback to students and endeavour to teach students how to behave appropriately. Staff reinforce & reference our expected behaviour matrix in all that we do, every day. A key element of SWPBS is acknowledging and positively reinforcing the many moments when students ARE demonstrating the expected behaviours within the Matrix. This is through both tangible & intangible rewards - verbal praise, student awards, positive commendations communicated through SIMON, as well as rewards available for ‘purchase’ from our SWPBS shop ‘Rosary Rewards’. Holy Rosary utilises a school wide token system, which students are able to ‘bank’ or ‘spend’ on a weekly basis from the ‘Rosary Rewards’ shop.
How we teach positive behaviours
Teaching behavioural expectations and acknowledging students for meeting them is a much more positive approach than waiting for behaviours of concern to occur before responding. At Holy Rosary, we recognise that learning social skills and socially acceptable behaviours is a process, which everybody moves through at different stages. Learning appropriate social skills is seen in the same light as learning how to read, write or complete a mathematical task. Some people need more assistance in some areas and less in others. Introducing, modelling and reinforcing positive social behaviour is an important step in a child’s educational experience. Explicitly teaching our behavioural expectations and acknowledging students for demonstrating them is a key to success.