Victorian Curriculum
At Holy Rosary School, we are committed to offering a comprehensive curriculum aligned with the Victorian Curriculum 2.0, ensuring that all key learning areas are effectively covered. We pride ourselves on fostering a caring, enjoyable and safe environment that emphasises the individual needs of each student, both pastorally and educationally.
Through Mathematics children develop concepts, skills, applications and processes, which allow them to participate meaningfully in society. We teach students how to apply their mathematical understanding effectively within and outside the classroom environment.
Our teaching staff utilise up to date research and data to inform their teaching. As of 2025, we will be using Ochre Education to guide our Mathematics teaching which uses a direct, explicit teaching approach. Tracking student assessment enables us to teach to each student’s individual needs and can provide timely feedback and growth for each child.

As of 2025, in the junior school we will be using InitiaLit to teach reading, writing, spelling and grammar. InitiaLit is an evidence-based whole-class literacy program providing all children with the essential core knowledge and strong foundations to become successful readers and writers. InitiaLit is a three-year program, covering the first three years of school (Foundation to Year 2).
As of 2025, in the senior school we will be using Ochre Education to teach reading, writing, spelling and grammar. Ochre is a high quality, low variance curriculum which is centered around the research of the science of reading. Throughout the years, students will read numerous novels and their written work will be developed around the themes of the books.
Students participate in a minimum of two Inquiry lessons per week, the themes of their English texts are often linked in with their Inquiry topic. During this time, students are encouraged to research, problem solve and create projects. These tasks are often student centered and taken in different directions depending on individual interests and talents. This links to various areas of the curriculum and is reported on over a two year period.

MiniLit Sage (for children in Grades 1-2) & MacqLit (for children in Grades 3-6) are intensive reading programs designed to support students who need some help with their reading. It usually takes place in groups of 3-5 students and takes up to an hour a day.
MultiLit programs are research-based initiatives of Macquarie University. They have been used by thousands of schools to improve the reading outcomes of their students. Evidence shows that students made substantial improvements in all areas of foundational reading skills as a result of participation in the MultiLit programs. Based on children’s data, students are selected to receive additional support to help them learn to read and spell at the required level for their age. Students are grouped according to the results of their Placement Test, so maybe in mixed year level groupings. This ensures all students in the group are working at approximately the same level.
What’s involved?
Selected students will be withdrawn from regular class to work with a specialist teacher in a small group of 3-5 children
Carefully sequenced lessons, offering explicit instruction at point of need, for 45-60 minutes per day, four times per week
Sessions include a mix of 9-10 reading & spelling tasks, followed by 10-15mins of group reading
An additional 20 minutes per day of Reinforced Reading.
Our specialist Indonesian program provides a broad introduction to both the language and culture of Indonesia in visual, spoken, and written form. The children learn to communicate in the Language and gain intercultural knowledge and language awareness by listening, speaking, reading, writing, and watching. This results in the children being able to speak and write with confidence through the means of basic geographical orientation, correct pronunciation, and the practice of simple conversational phrases in dialogues and role-play.

All students participate in a 1:1 iPad Program. This is an exciting initiative that the school has embraced to meet the needs of the 21st-century learner. At Holy Rosary, we believe that today’s students think, connect, and communicate differently from students who were at school even a few years ago. We are aware that our students live in a world where information can be accessed and shared quickly over the internet, where they can communicate with peers and create new knowledge. As a school, we are keen to inspire and engage this new generation of learner with today’s tools and assist them in reaching their full potential in all areas of the curriculum, including coding. At Holy Rosary, we want our students to strive for excellence through an educational experience that integrates the curriculum and fully exploits the use of Information and Communication Technology (ICT). To support the learning of our students, children from Foundation – Year 6 work with iPads (with keyboard attached). Other digital hardware includes class TV’s and green screens.
We work with students and families to educate them on cyber safety and how to be a good digital citizen.

Health & Physical Education
This program aims to:
• develop an understanding and appreciation of the outdoors.
• provide opportunities for students to develop problem solving skills.
• inspire an attitude of health and fitness in the daily life of each child.
• facilitate a wide variety of sporting experiences.
• participate in intra/inter-school sporting activities.
• promote attitude and behaviour, which contributes to personal and community wellbeing.
Lessons are taken by our Physical Education specialist and classroom teachers. The emphasis is always on maximum participation, and all children take part unless medically unfit. If children cannot participate, an explanatory note must be sent.
Swimming lessons:
Students attend swimming lessons in Term 1. These lessons take place at the local Heathcote Outdoor pool and are facilitated by qualified swimming teachers.
Bike ed:
Our teachers are trained to deliver the VicRoads Bike Ed program which is designed to give students the opportunity to learn about safe riding behaviours, road rules and riding in a shared environment. We have a suite of 24 bikes as well as helmets and gloves which were all purchased in 2023 with a generous financial donation from the Heathcote Lions Club. We look forward to implementing our Bike Ed program in 2024.

Buddy Program
During term 1 our Foundation students are partnered with a grade 6 student to help facilitate a smooth transition into school. The buddy program serves as a support system to provide a sense of comfort and familiarity. The buddy system allows foundation students a sense of friendship early on in the school year and provides leadership opportunities for senior students. The buddies work with the foundation students during some classes and look out for them in the playground. As the year progresses, the foundation students develop more confidence within the school and rely on their buddy less.

Specialist Classes
We have a number of specialist classes to complement our academic curriculum including Performing Arts, Art, Sport, STEAM, and Indonesian. Students also have the opportunity to undertake private music lessons with Ms Mariah McCarthy who teaches guitar, ukulele, piano and voice. Mariah also leads our students in choir practice and they regularly perform at local community events such as ANZAC day, Remembrance Day and the Christmas Carols.
Camps & Excursions
Holy Rosary Primary School schedules a number of excursions throughout the year to broaden students’ curiosity and provide hands-on learning beyond the classroom. Some excursions our students have participated over the years include Jets Gymnastics, the Bendigo Talking Tram, Bendigo Pottery and Heathcote Health Aged Care. Our students also compete in local school sport competitions including Netball, Basketball, Football and Cross Country Running.
Our Year 3 and 4 students attend an overnight camp, alternating between Kookaburra Camp in Corop and Doxa Youth Camp in Malmsbury or Upper Plenty Conference Centre. Our Year 5 and 6 alternate camps Sovereign Hill in Ballarat and Camp Wilkin in Anglesea.
We believe our school camps are an important aspect of our curriculum allowing students to strengthen their teamwork, confidence, problem solving skills and emotional intelligence as students face new challenges and overcome obstacles. These experiences create lasting memories and strengthen the sense of community within the school. Overall, camps and excursions play a vital role in holistic education, combining educational, social and personal growth elements.