In 2022, our school operates with a Junior/Middle school (F-3) and a Senior school (4-6). The Senior team consists of two teachers full time and the Junior/Middle team is four teachers full time.
Every child is in a Pastoral Group every morning with a specific teacher. This is the teacher that you as parents will see about your child and this teacher will be the primary person for your child to see if they have any concerns.
The term Pastoral Group or Pastoral Care in a school setting is the provision the school makes to ensure the physical and emotional wellbeing of your child, that they are integrating well with other pupils and any problems or concerns are spotted early and dealt with.
Every child gathers in their Pastoral Group first thing in the morning where they check in with their Pastoral teacher and will be able to get organised for the day. This will include a welcome and prayer.
We promote parents reading in the morning with students.
Our staff at Holy Rosary pride themselves in knowing each individual child within their care. We use ongoing assessment data to inform our teaching to ensure that every child is met at their individual point of need. Upon completion of a unit teachers will conduct a post test to gain insight as to the learning and where to next for each child. The children are part of this conversation and with teacher support are able to track their own growth.
This means we will be able to specifically target learning needs for all children. At times, your child will be in a group learning with other children from the grade above or below, depending on their needs. Literacy Intervention is also timetabled for the morning literacy block.
This Team Teaching approach to learning at Holy Rosary Heathcote has come about after much research and discussion from staff. We have planned this approach thoroughly. Our staff are very excited about working closely as a team and value timely assessment as a means to inform their teaching.
This organisational structure of our classes will allow for individual growth, will enable staff to identify and teach to any gaps in a child’s learning and children will be able to work with their friends from other year levels.
We have great teachers at Holy Rosary, and I take my hat off to how they have created a new vision for learning and teaching in our school and are willing to embrace change for the benefit of all of our children. These are exciting times at HR.