
The three priorities give students the knowledge and skills to engage with and better understand their world -

  • nationally,
  • regionally
  • globally.
Learning about Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander histories and cultures                                     Back to - Victorian Curriculum F-10

Opportunities are available for students to learn about Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander histories and cultures. Knowledge and skills gained by students have enduring importance and assist them to understand the uniqueness of these cultures together with embedded wisdom and knowledge.

Learning about Asia and Australia’s engagement with Asia

Students develop knowledge and understanding of Asian societies, cultures, beliefs and environments, and the connections between the peoples of Asia, Australia, and the rest of the world.  This learning provides a regional context, and builds an understanding of the diverse cultures and peoples living in Australia.

Immigrants from many asian countries have historically contributed to Australia’s development and will continue to do so in the future. An understanding of Asia underpins students’ capacity to be active and informed citizens, fosters social inclusion and cohesion  - vital to Australia’s prosperity.

Learning about Sustainability

The concept of sustainability is fundamental for students to understand the ways environmental, social and economic systems interact to support and maintain human life. It allows for critical examination of views and values that influence sustainable development.

Students develop knowledge, skills, values and worldviews necessary to contribute to more sustainable patterns of living. It has an increasing local, national and global resonance as decisions impact Australia’s future prosperity - particularly in relation to environmental, social and economic challenges.

The curriculum also provides opportunity for student’s creative participation that enables their understanding of their personal capacity to act in ways that help establish more sustainable practices.
